Friday, April 26, 2024

I Hate Liars. Don't You?

 Truly A New Low...

I get a lot of unsolicited text messages.  Mostly, this is because I put my name on both my state and national "don't-call" list.  Unfortunately, there's a loophole, because there is no such list for texts;  so I usually just glance at strange texts, delete all the organizations I don't recognize, and let it go.

But over the last two days, I have gotten a couple of texts that really disturb me.  The anonymous sender says that "left-wing organizations" are "collecting your data" for nefarious purposes.  After this, s/he instructs me that if these people ask for my name, address, and signature, I should "decline to sign."

A second such text makes it sound even scarier:  "out-of-town strangers" collecting the data for "left-wing extremist" groups.  Again, there is the "decline to sign" instruction, and I am further urged to "protect yourself from fraud and theft!"

Are These People Serious?!

Now, I have signed quite a few petitions in my day.  Most of them have been for ballot initiatives, which are a way for the people of a state to get a law passed when the state legislature won't do it.  Things like Medicaid expansion, the legalization of recreational marijuana, and the reformation of highway funding are several things that have gotten done only because We the People of my state started a ballot initiative.  

The way it works is that canvassers either go door-to-door, set up a table in a public space, or just approach people and ask them to sign their petition.  They have to explain what the petition is for, and they are not allowed to accept any kind of donation or gift from those with whom they speak  (I know this because the last petition I signed was on a chilly day, and I tried to buy the workers a coffee...which they politely refused).  If they can get enough people to sign the petition by a given deadline, it becomes a ballot initiative and will be voted on in the next general election.

And yes, they do need your name and address, because they have to prove that all the signatures they get are from residents of the state.  Only state residents are allowed to determine whether there is enough interest in an issue to put it on the next ballot.

Let me make this absolutely clear:  Your identity cannot be stolen just because someone knows your name and address.  And if your signature were another way for someone to defraud you, then signing your name on those touch screens at the store or at the restaurant would be way more dangerous than signing a piece of paper with lines all down the page.

So, What's Really Going On?

Funny you should ask.

There are two hot-button issues in my state right now:  "school choice" (a.k.a. vouchers) and abortion.  The GOP super-majority in our legislature is really on board with a near-total abortion ban, and they're practically drooling at the idea of defunding public schools and siphoning the money into vouchers that supposedly give parents a choice in the way their kids are educated.  Private schools are supposedly better than public schools, with better curricula, better teachers, and safer environments, so hey!  Instead of that run-down public school where the teachers are paid peanuts and the textbooks still call Myanmar "Burma" and the nerds get swirlied on a regular basis, a parent could use public money to send her little one to that fancy private academy where he will do so much better!

Except, those private schools can accept or reject whomever they want.  A transfer student from a public school would still have to meet the private school's standards for academic performance and good behavior.  Paid tuition or not, any kid who couldn't keep up his grades or stay out of trouble would be expelled.

Moreover, it might be a lot harder to get to and from a private school, especially in a rural area.

And lastly, those vouchers would make it impossible for public schools to improve.  It's like giving someone else a transfusion, but being expected to put in a full day's work while doing so.  It's crazy!

But the GOP love the idea.  To gain support, they have focused on a bunch of non-issues, like "woke" ideology, trans- and homosexual infiltration, critical-race theory, "bad" books in school libraries, etc. 

So, in defense of public schools, some (yes, left-wing) groups have gotten together and are now circulating a petition to keep public schools funded.  If it makes it to the November ballot, the entire state gets to finally decide the issue for themselves.

The same thing is happening with the abortion ban.  The petition is circulating, and if it gets enough signatures, we will decide in November whether to allow a woman to choose to abort if she needs to, or if she is too young, or if her life is at stake, or if it's a rape/incest/abuse case...and also, whether that woman and anyone who helps her is a criminal.

Now, the anti-choice crowd - the Right to Lifers, the conservative religious groups, and so forth - are up in arms about abortion.  The only thing they think about is "saving the unborn."  That would be all fine and good if that were really the case.  But most abortions are done within the first trimester;  the embryo isn't viable--it cannot survive outside the womb.  One of the reasons that the six-week ban is so stupid is that many women wouldn't even know they were pregnant yet!  (A woman can miss a period for several reasons other than pregnancy;  stress, medication, and malnutrition can all affect a woman's cycle.)  

And once a pregnancy reaches the viability stage, the only reason an abortion is done is because of a fatal birth defect, such as a missing vital organ, or because the life of the mother is in danger.  Needless to say, such late-term abortions are very rare, and only a few doctors are trained to perform them.

Besides which, no woman is getting an abortion on a whim.  It's a tough choice, and any woman in that position has already thought seriously about what to do.  It should be her choice, not the government's or that of some misguided religious group.


....The right-wing coalition is perfectly free to oppose these initiatives.  And they might just win.

But they aren't being honest about it in those "decline to sign" messages.  When they, or anyone allied with them, conceal their true position by fear-mongering ("They're stealing your data!") about things that have nothing to do with the real issues (vouchers and abortion), then they have lost the moral high ground.  They are, in fact lying to you.  And I really, really hate liars!

Do You Feel Like I Do?

Then spread the word.  If you get deceptive "decline to sign" texts, or you have friends who have gotten them, then set the record straight.

Because it's not data collection those mystery texters are afraid of;  it's your taking a stand in favor of something they don't like.  So let's go scare the shit out of them, shall we?

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Ones who Never Return

 Another Reason I Hate Modern Country Music...

It's no secret that I can't stand the stuff that passes for country and western music music nowadays.

But it's not for the reasons you might think.

I'm not upset when country artists borrow elements from the rock and soul genres, or even rap and hip-hop, if it helps them tell their stories.  (Full disclosure:  I've never heard a country song using rap that was really effective in getting its message across;  it always sounds like they could have done it better using a more traditional format.  For one thing, their rhymes are weak!)

I don't bat an eye at rockers who "go country" or country artists who cross over to rock or pop.  There have been crossover artists since rock and country first became identifiable genres.  Glen Campbell, Anne Murray, and Kenny Rogers were equally lauded on both country and pop radio;  more recently, Cheryl Crow, Darius Rucker (Hootie and the Blowfish), and Shania Twain have successfully crossed over from rock to country and vice-versa.  The blend of Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus produced a really weird sorta-country, sorta hip-hop hit with "Old Town Road."  (Further disclosure:  I still think Lil Nas X got shafted by Billboard!)

Nope.  What really puts hay down my tank top is the subject matter.

In particular, the whole superiority thing.  As in, the home town or the farm is so wonderful and perfect, and the city sucks.  Jason Aldean's tone-deaf "Try That in a Small Town" is just the most extreme example;  there are plenty of others, like the one about the good ol' boy who went away for a while, but oh, he's back now and he's never, ever gonna leave!  Or how about the guy making fun of his ex's new boyfriend, who doesn't drive a truck, hunt, or fish, and who probably can't even change a flat tire on that hybrid?  (The song doesn't say he's a city slicker, but how many hints do we need?)

But worst of all is the trope about the girl who leaves the small town or farm to go to college or work in the big city, but finds that something's missing, so she comes back...and lo and behold, she finds that the blue-collar boy she left behind is all she really needs to make her life complete!  (These songs are always performed by men.)

I call "bullshit."

I am one of a pretty big group of both men and women who came from small towns or farms, and we could not wait to get free.  And we are never, ever, ever going back.

Why?  Well, when you are different - any kind of different - you aren't really accepted as a member of a small-town community;  there's very much of a herd mentality at work.  That's bad enough if you're an adult, but it's hell when you're a kid.  Smart kids, gay/trans kids, neurodivergent kids...they're going to have problems in a small-town or rural area, because most of the residents don't have the mental tools or experience to know how to accept those kids for who they are.  The good news is that if the kids get a chance to see what life is like in the outside world, they'll become less likely to suffocate in their given toxic environment.  They'll be looking for a chance to escape.  And when they do, they will have their own story to tell about that so-called "paradise" known to modern country as a small town!

Just once, I would like to hear a country song about one of the ones who never returned.

In fact, why don't I write one?

Maybe I'm a Mondegreen

I know, it's true
I just don't fit in
But it's not me, it's my situation
This is a monolinguistic town
And I got lost in translation

Or maybe I'm a mondegreen
A lost lyric that they don't understand
Try to sing it, but it comes out wrong
A faux ami in a foreign language

Sui generis 
A tribe of one
Always at war with all the rest
I just can't help that I'm not their kind--
It's time to leave this cuckoo's nest

Yeah, maybe I'm a mondegreen
A strange phrase they just can't believe they heard
But it's a wider world out there
And somewhere
There's a song that needs my words...

Okay, maybe more Natalie Merchant than Tanya Tucker...but think it over.  And if you are a small-towner yourself, maybe you can look at those "mondegreens" with more compassionate eyes.