Sunday, October 21, 2018

We Are The Worms...

Back in the 80's, when "We Are The World" was clogging everyone's radio with sticky saccharine, somebody did a parody of the song, called "We Are The Worms," all about the night crawlers that end up on the sidewalk and get stepped on after it rains.  Blech, right?  But it occurred to me recently that the parody actually resembles the original in that they both are talking about creatures that nobody really notices until something happens to make them visible to lots of people going hungry due to widespread famine.  Or earthworms being flooded out of the ground by heavy rains.

In that respect, there are people who are "worms" too.  I'm one;  I work a menial job that is noticed only when something goes wrong in my area (or when I screw something up).  I know lots of other things--in fact, my most recent tested I.Q. is 142--but most customers don't know that.  They see my uniform and my tools, and presto, I'm just a worm!  And I've been stepped on a few times, too.

But in spite of all the crap I've endured, I have never lost hope.  I work hard, and while I'm not a one-percenter, I do okay.  But in my opinion, nobody on my level gets much of a public voice except on spaces like this.  So I've started this blog to tell it like it is from the viewpoint of someone who's always getting "a better look at your big shoe" (from the parody).

Sooo, what will I talk about?  Well, my job, obviously, although I will change names and places to protect the innocent (okay, and the guilty...I'm not their judge, after all).  But as I said, I know a lot of stuff, so I'll write about all that, too.  I will try to use appropriate category headers, so if you see a title and think, "Oh, no, not this again", then you can skip it!

So let's get started....

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